Angela Hubbs

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My Burfday Lessons

It’s happened! I’m old….er!

Another trip around the sun and I am one year older. I never imagined that I would ever see 40. For the record, I’m not 40. But i can see it up close and personal!

I got some really sweet gifts but more than anything, I got endless birthday wishes that took me hours to answer. I went to bed on my birthday feeling so loved… and OLD! But old in a good way. Wise and learned and all that…

Unlike all the younger people around me, I do not have children, nor do I ever plan to. I don’t own a house, prob won’t for a long time. And I’m still working myself up the ladder of success at work, which might take me another 10 years.

I catch myself having so much judgment, competition, expectation and guilt about where I should be, how almost 40 should look and how far I should have gone already. I’m just should-ing all over myself!

The truth though is I am so happy! I am in love with the kindest man I’ve ever met and at almost 40, I’m about to get married (again). I have some tubby on my butt and tummy but I love that I can swim, bike and run for miles and live to tell the tale. I love what I do working with all these young kids in retail selling the best yoga pants on the planet. I love my 2 bedroom apartment and particularly my bathroom with a giant sit in tub complete with candles and salt lamps. I love my life!

I have no one to apologize to that I don’t own a giant house with a mortgage I can’t afford. I have nothing to feel bad about that I decided not to have children. I have rolls and dimples on my butt and I enjoy every piece of burfday pie that crosses my lips.

Living a life you love isn’t about having it meet the expectations of people around us. It’s about fulfilling our souls on the inside. I’ve been doing a ton of writing lately all about vitality and what creates it in our lives. As I write, I get more clear about what people see when I walk in a room. I get comments all the time about my “energy”. It’s my vitality they see (and its why they don’t believe I’m almost 40). Its my love of my life that people see, even when I’m in a crummy mood! Even my worst days are filled with so much gratitude and joy that people can’t help but notice. It has me show compassion and love to everyone around me. I think vitality is the secret sauce to a world of people who are kind and caring to each other. The second we love ourselves, we can’t help but shine it out to everyone else.

Step 1: Who cares about the Jones’s…

Let go of what you think you should have. Let go of what they have over there. Let go of what you are supposed to have. None of those expectations are real! Not one of them! It lives in your head, put there by movies, commercials and fantasy. The universe has something vastly more powerful for you, but it won’t be in your timeline and most of the time, it won’t look the way you imagined.

Step 2: Look inside

What do you ACTUALLY want? Sometimes what we think we should want and what we actually want are vastly different. To have a life you love, you must address the needs of your soul. Not what you THINK you should have. Not what you think society wants. What your heart wants is key to unlocking your life.

Step 3: Get in action

Once you are clear about what you actually want, then you must get your butt in gear! Get in action creating what you see for yourself. The universe will move heaven and earth to get you want you want, but you have to show the universe you are serious. Got to get things moving in that direction!

Vitality is the secret sauce to loving your life! You deserve it and the world needs you to shine. Shining is contagious, and boy do we need that kind of virus to spread….